Junior MasterChef starts

Junior MasterChef starts Sunday, October 11.

The premier of Junior MasterChef starts at 7.30pm and runs for 90 minutes – bit late for me to watch with Mr 8, as planned. Why not start at 7pm?

Monday’s episode is only 60 minutes.


Junior MasterChef airdate

Junior MasterChef starts on Sunday, October 11.

Not sure how many nights a week it will be on Ten but, in the past, the junior shows have been short seasons due to the age of the participants.

I have told Mr 8 he can stay up to watch with me so hopefully they are not 90-minute episodes.

Season 2 of the series is on TenPlay so perhaps we will start with that.


MasterChef Sun: pressure test

Phil Wood from two of Victoria’s finest restaurants, reveals that round one is a pressure test. Contestants have 75 minutes to replicate his dish, potatoes duchess with shiitakes and cauliflower.
