Australian Survivor All Stars premiere

All Stars starts Monday on Ten at 7.30pm with an extended episode – 105 minutes. And the Tues and Wed eps go for 90 minutes.
So that’s the rest of my life cancelled for the week.
Who are you most looking forward to seeing?
I appreciate David’s brand of cockiness because he is very self aware and knows how to entertain.
I am very interested to see how the past winners are treated. Hopefully Jericho will again be underestimated by some of the alphas – if he could team up with David given their Luke connection, that would be awesome.

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Juz! I hate you. You picked it….


But Juz… DAISY



Harry made it to third place :(.


Hugs for everyone


And AK ensures JLP is not left out. Oops I forgot to say Moana is back, which I am happy about.


I’m really happy to see Moana back too.


Bicep time


The tribes and the season breakdown (let me know if I made a mistake) Yellow tribe: s2 Jericho, s1 Flick, 2 Tarzan, 1 Brooke, 3 Mat Rogers, 2 AK, 2 Phoebe, 2 Jacqui, 4 David, 2 Locky, 4 Daisy, 3 Moana

Green: 3 Shonee, 3 Shane, 3 Lydia, 2 Michelle, 3 Sharn, 4 Abbie, 4 Mullet John, 4 Harry, 1 Lee, 2 Henry, 3 Zach, 1 Nick


I couldn’t believe it when I saw Daisy there!
Love Shonee (another no so we’ll kept secret)
Am surprised to see Lee.


Given he was well out of the votes tonight, hopefully that means he won’t last long.


And AK a wedding DJ could shoot straight and Lee, a former pro cricketer could not! Doesn’t look good for Lee to be a Challenge Beast.

I remember Shaun (sigh) shooting to that so perfectly (shout out for Ross for holding it open underwater!).

I thought they would get the AFL girls to shoot given that ball control is such a strong part of the game, but AK was good.


I was happy for a few seconds. I loved Harry, and I’m glad he’s back. I’m also overjoyed to see Henry again, and Jericho was a cutie-pie. Also, props to Locky for being this year’s beautiful piece of man-candy. I’m not liking John’s new hair-cut, but as long as he packed those black speedos, I don’t care.

Then it all went downhill. Daisy’s back (an “All-Star” season featuring the best of the best, and they invite back the woman who can’t count past 11?)? And then Zach strolled into view (eugh. Guy was a jerk. If they wanted an alpha-male from s3, they could’ve called, oh, I don’t know, ROBBIE SKIBICKI). I’m already annoyed and I’ve only been sitting here for 20 minutes.


Between nick and AK we will get good commentary.


I loved that Henry’s first contribution to the season is finding the first Idol clue. And my gosh, Henry. Clearly somebody’s been doing some stomach crunches since season 2. Good thinking to use the heshion bags on top of the bonfires.

Over on the desolate wasteland beach, David puts an arm on Tarzan’s shoulder and says, “You can count on me.” Man, I can think of nothing more horrifying than David telling someone that they can trust him.


I think the problem with the cast is there are a few challenge beasts in there but from what we were shown the rest of the game sucked.


Ah, that’s what my life has been missing, these last few months. JLap and ball-related humour. That challenge was won by Locky. Like, that was it. Yes, they required great team-work, and AK’s hand-eye co-ordination was helpful, but Locky’s sheer, brutal strength won the day for them. *That’s* why I liked him, as a player.

Also, how freaking awesome is the immunity trophy? It’s a giant sword! What, are Locky, Henry and Lydia gonna go fight a demon or sea monster or something? You know, that, I would watch.


I can’t see Lydia lasting long – she let her desire for revenge drive her game play and that may come back to bite her in the long run. I really hope Michelle doesn’t last long – she is super annoying and was hopeless in the challenge. I seem to remember she just sat out whenever she could but mainly I find her generally annoying and her commentary boring and lacking any sort of insight.


I was having trouble remembering Michelle, and — not to sound rude, but — then she started talking, and I was like, “Oh yes, she was loud and contributed little.”

I’d rather hear from Nick or Henry or Harry, to be honest.


Same. Michaelle – that voice! oops.
I am sure Lee just voted for the most annoying and grating and was totally out of the loop. . . but I can’t blame him – she was useless.

Totally agree about Lydia JB. I didn’t think she was too cluey before, all I can see she has is challenge skills.


I can’t help the thought that Lee’s vote was the back-up plan (in case Shane did, in fact, find an idol).

Nobody was into Henry, Shane and Sharn’s plan to oust Harry, so they all thought Shane was the goner (and they probably talked to her off-camera to ask her to oust Michelle. Or else, the plan was for her to vote Harry, Lee to vote Michelle, and then it became a tie and everyone would sort it out from there).

Lee made it pretty far, last time. He’s also a challenge beast, so I think they’d be wanting to keep him around, at least, for a little bit.


It is too soon to watch David again. I fon’t want to watch Abby and Daisy. Happy Hery is back. And will like to see how AK goes. It takes me a few eps to get everyone sorted in my head cos superfluous whingers.


(sorry for coming over all Alf Stewart, but I need to emphasis how much I dislike her). She is dumb as a rock and kyboshed so many better players by her dumb play and total inability to COUNT. Plus she is paranoid and has delusions of adequacy.


Granted that Shane did get the last laugh (I mean, she has already won this thing once before), but I think some of the players did enjoy turfing her off the island (“I already gave you half a million dollars, once, and I think that’s fair enough”). You can’t tell me that Lydia didn’t enjoy that, just a little bit.

I’m just glad they kept Harry around. He’s a great player, and I want to see him go the distance. Having said that … I do think it was good strategy to get rid of Shane. Yes, she’s the oldest player there and she’s an unassuming sweet grandmother … but she’s already won this *once*. That tells you she’s got the social game and sheer cunning to do it again.

I think that indicates there’ll be a target on Jericho’s back if the other tribe loses immunity, tomorrow night. I couldn’t pick an early favourite (I know that I want Harry and Henry to stick around). Just get rid of the annoying ones first (I’m looking straight at you Zach, Daisy and Michelle).

I miss Robbie and Meghan Gale’s husband.


I am not a Harry fan. I can admire his tactics and he is a super good read. But his stick at tribal does my head in!
I used to hate Golden God but against my prejucide of insanely pretty people, I can’t help but admire his Big Villian persona. I also loved Shaun and thought he was not only pretty but a really good strategist. Other than his dumb allegiance to Daisy.
Henry is pretty but his big-moveitis is a massive flaw in his chances of going far.

Agree – I thought Shonee owned the line of the night – “I already gave you half a million dollars once”


“But his stick at tribal does my head in!”

See, I don’t know, I like the toothpick. It makes him look like a gumshoe detective from the 40s.

“Henry is pretty but his big-moveitis is a massive flaw in his chances of going far.”

That is also very true. Yes, he is quite nice to look at (those abs! I mean, damn), but Nick made the excellent point. Kristy and Jericho didn’t control their games from day one, and Shane spent most of her season just quietly working in the background. Too many Big Moves — playing too hard — just makes everyone suspicious of you, and then you get blindsided.

I don’t find David that pretty, but I found his Big Villain persona was the one big flaw in his game. I just think his gameplay needs a bit more subtlety, and he’d do much better.


Nick and Harry, first bro-mance of the season? As long as it keeps Hazzy Pie around, I’m onboard.


I am already a bit worried that this season will go American-style by eliminating all the strong players first up. We have quite an extensive pool of non-entities who could skate through because they were useless in their own seasons. We could get down to eight or so left, with nobody worth cheering for. I wish they would get rid of the “Michelle’s” first and leave the fun players.

Otherwise, I found the whole episode a bit overdramatic. Hopefully it will settle down, and they reduce the wildlife footage and the slow-mo footage of facial expressions. I have a memory that the slow-mo action was a problem last season too. More scramble (conversation) and less lingering facial expressions.

There were a lot of players who were totally mute. Of course, they presumably did talk but nothing at all was shown. We finally heard one sentence from Sharn at TC. It is hard to know if the players are being subtle, or the editors are focusing on just a few players at a time. I like that some of my favs are in the quiet group so far – Lee, Sharn, Moana, maybe Phoebe.


No, last season was — among other problems — edited terribly. We had people who, even approaching the merge — spoke little, got zero focus, and we had no idea who they were. That’s not a good way to portray your cast, and it always makes me think, if they’re *that* forgetable and disposable, then why cast them?

Still, I am hopeful for this season. We don’t need as much back-story because we’ve met them all before (and some are still quite fresh in our minds. Maybe for the wrong reasons — looking at you, Zach — but still). And the joy of any reunion season is seeing people who’ve played the game before (some, quite successfully) and who know each other, bounce off each other as they try to get ahead.

I feel like, the show’s on probation, right now. I’m happy to give it another chance to wow me.

Given up entirely on MKR. I’d love to know the ratings, last night.

brain dead dave

See waaaay down the bottom for MKR. I’ve been a waiting for the ratings..

MAFS killed everything.


I can’t even lie that I’m not slightly satisfied to know that MKR, this year, is sinking like a rock.

Goodbye Paleo Pete. The tribe has spoken. Feel free to let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.


Glad that MKR is sinking. The whole production team need to be sack. I don’t think Pete Evans is to be blamed for the downfall. He doesn’t has that much power to make or break a show. The producers are the one responsible for the downfall.


Just watched the Dr Shane Gould interview in Studio 10. That woman has class.
Her elimination was not unexpected but, from a viewer point of view, very disappointing.


Still not over the fact that Daisy is back.
Have I mentioned it?
I know it is irrational to blame Juz for just predicting it which just put the ugly thought in my mind, but hey. I need to blame SOMEONE. And the reality is way worse than I feared.


We didn’t hear much from her, last night, because it was the first episode with 24 loud personalities, and her tribe didn’t have to go to tribal council. I imagine, tonight, we’ll hear more from the yellow team.

I just wonder what the other players (you know, people who actually do possess functioning brains) think of her. Whether it’s a case of, “We need to keep an eye on her” or “We can flash her some abs and use her” or “We need to knife this one, as fast as we can”?


I know! Just by being THERE she annoyed me – what will it be like when I see her talking and saying her ridiculous comments and making completely dumb calls that ruin it for others?
I think they will be way more focussed on getting rid of some big targets. . .So she will be here for a while.
She is NOT someone you can use as she is so paranoid and dumb (my most disliked combination) that you could so easily end up collateral damage to her stupid plays.


But the other players only saw the first half of Daisy’s season, so they don’t really know that she doesn’t know a lot about Survivor and is unpredictable. And John isn’t going to tell them. Sure, David will but he might not be believed.