Bold & Beautiful: To Groundhog or not to Groundhog

OVER TO DAISY, with thanks …
Okay. It seems everyone is too bashful to do a new thread, in spite of all their writing talent and word skills, so here I go, but as Judge Judy always says, this is “just hear say”.
It will be like driving blind. But maybe not since I have been given such good accounts of B&B events so far. I hope this is not like Chinese Whispers.
From what I can glean; Hope is as thick as Wyatt’s waistline. She has no sense that something fishy is going on, in spite of getting more clues than an episode of Midsomer Murders. Pheobeth will have an easy time sneaking out of the house when she’s a teenager. Liam is just as useless.
Quinn and Eric are still away as is Shauna the sheep. That’s just weird, unless there is a convention on in Florida for aging rich people and they all wanted to go. I have to question why Eric and Quinn would invite Shauna to stay if they don’t want a threesome.
Thomas has now become so evil that he is no longer Evil Thomas, but Dastardly Thomas. His villainy has earned him the right to the title. He will now be able to steal ice-cream from small children and forge their artwork.
As for Brooke and Ridge (ho hum), still kissing, but finding time to meddle in Thomas and Hope’s love life, and bat for opposite sides.
Steffy is still being Sensible Stay at home Mom Steffy. Well sensible for B&B. She did let her mother buy her a child. But other than that, sensible.
The interns, Zoe, Emma and Zander are all caught up in the intrigue of Phoebeth’s real parentage. It’s hard work being a Forrester intern/model. You have to multi-task. Charlie the security guard and Pam though, as useless as a comb in Woolif’s travel bag.
Anyhow. That’s what I have taken so far, in a nutshell, from Windsong, Dave and Sarah. I am sniffing the end of Groundhog may be near.
Thankyou to everyone for keeping Woolif and me informed, amused, entertained and even aghast during the last few weeks. We do really appreciate it. I’m glad we didn’t delay our flight until Hope worked out the truth.
Signing off,


June Bold chat with Daisy

Oh dear. We had such high hopes for justice. We had expected the baby theft plot would, as they say on Dr Phil, by now have had closure and we could have moved on to the next fiasco. But no, Dr Hooks is back in England putting babies from China on the black market. Zoe is living under a cloud of secrecy that is driving a wedge between her and her Z boyfriend. And Flo and Shauna are getting deeper and deeper into the doggie poo. Will June be the month that sees poor little Phoebeth returned to Hope and Liam? She is going to be one messed up, and traumatized kid. Yes, as Dave puts it, it’s been Groundhog Day after Groundhog Day, waiting for Hope to discover the awful truth.

In the meantime, Shauna and Flo have a new address, and will be slothing around Eric’s home in their pjs, farting, and eating toast with their feet on his coffee table. No wait. It’s not a pommie show. They will be sexily dressed 24/7 while Eric pretends not to be aroused. Shauna the Black Sheep will soon be causing problems for Quinn.

Wipes earned himself a downgrade and is now called Flubber. But Porkbelly will also do. He dumped Sally so he could get it on with Flo, but he pretended that the reason was Sally keeping secrets. Thomas is so crazy, evil that he should enter every scene with a “Bwaah aah aaaah”.
Bill has set his sights on reuniting with Katy, or is that rerereuniting? Brooke has taken a step back from seducing Bill (no doubt a temporary move), and has taken on the role of advisor. She and Donna have been pushing for the reunion of Katy and Bill, offering advice and encouragement, although they couldn’t agree with Katy’s plan to send Shauna over to seduce Bill in a honeytrap that would prove, or disprove if Bill’s love for Katy was a genuine as his tan. Will Bill find out about the trap and turn it back on Katy by letting Shauna see his boules collection? And does Bill even play boules?
Sadly, I will be leaving in a week, so I will probably miss out on seeing Hope get to the altar with Thomas, only to have Flo rush in with the truth. That’s just a guess. I will have to rely on ttvers here to be my eyes and ears. I know you will keep me amused and enlightened.
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Daisy’s Bold and the Beautiful chat – May

Over to Bold correspondent Daisy, with thanks – wait! What? Denise Richards is on Bold now? ….

Enter Denise Richards as Flo’s mum, Shauna.

Oh dear and oh dear. What the hell is going on with the Bold and the Beautifuls? Perhaps the writers thought they needed a change from the usual dosey-do of love triangles. Fair enough. But they have moved on to stolen babies sold to half-sisters, and total strangers whose connection is selling you a baby, turning out to be a lost cousin by a brother/uncle who killed himself to give Katy his heart. Nothing wrong with that storyline.
Quinn runs the storyline past Bill.

Yes Bill, we know.

Meanwhile Stephie has taken the stolen Phoebeth and is raising her in Paris. She may return in a few weeks; a French speaking madamoiselle of 14, while we are still yelling at our tv screens for Hope to “Shut the fork up and listen to what Flo is trying to say”. Why didn’t Flo just shake her around the throat and say, “”Shut the fork up”.

Flo’s turning out to be a wimp and quite stupid. She usually looks like she wants to throw up.

I am hoping for May that Dollar Bill gets a long lost daughter too. He looked like he needs one. Perhaps it could be Hope, making Hope and Flo cousins, but then uncousining them. Then Wipes and Liam could have married their sister. I hope May sees a return to some evil from Quinn. Her puppet-mastery over Wipes’ love-life is going to crank up. It would be good to see her and Bill team up for some super evil deeds, although it couldn’t get worse than Dr Hooks. Zoe and Dr Hooks have been put on the B&B backburner, but may return when Babygate hits the fan.
I will leave it there, B&Bers as I cannot predict what might happen this month. I am thankful that I get to spend the day slothing around in pjs, washing my hair, and cooking some lemon bars (maybe not), without wondering if a long lost cousin might arrive to steal my husband or take my fortune. 😊

Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble. What has Brooke done to her eyes?


Daisy’s Bold and the Beautiful chat -April

Over to Bold correspondent Daisy (thanks, as always):
Is it April already? March has flown by with only one, nearly two partner changes. I wonder if there is a monthly average or quota. March saw Thorne drop Katy like hot potato, right on Valentine’s Day. He had giant promises but only stayed a few weeks. He failed to deliver. Liam and Hope have been teetering on the brink of a change of address, but Liam has stood strong, only because there is a swinging door between simpering love with Hope and domestic bliss with Steffy.

Hope and Liam show what fun an evening with them is. Let’s not mention the product placement.

The storyline of the stolen baby has stalled like a Boeing 747 ascending too sharply or flying too slowly (enjoy the reference, Sara?) Surely April will have to see Beth restored to a pampered existence as only child, instead of having to take Kellie’s crumbs; a worn out mother and hand-me-downs. Dr Hooks might want to put a paper clip in his pocket now because he might need it for picking the lock in his handcuffs.

“FU, Dr Hooks”. Dr Hooks is beating Liam to the bottom of the acting pile.

It’s time for Wipes to drop Sally. Flo is going to need a pudgy shoulder to cry on. It’s time for Brooke and Ridge’s predestined love to hit the rocks and for her to fall into Bill’s arms. We had a snifter of Justin getting aroused by Donna’s bosoms and chiselled cheeks, but they aren’t important enough characters to take precedence over the Hopeless storyline.

Sally looks beneath the sheets and doesn’t like what she sees.

I am going to hit the pause button here and go home to watch March’s final episode. My fingers are crossed for little Phoebeth. She will want to be packing her suitcase soon.


Daisy’s Bold recap – March 2019

Over to our beloved Bold and the Beautiful correspondent Daisy for the latest happenings in the Forrester family. (Oh, and did you all read the interview recently in which Dr Chris Brown was meant to have a guest spot on the show back in his younger days? He was supposed to play a long lost nephew of Ridges or similar, but it turned out he did not have the right visa. Shame – this was in the Ron Moss days so he had the right jawline for it.)
In February the Forresters were plunged into a Shakespearean melodrama, with the tragedy of Hope’s stolen baby. I know we are all impatient for the mystery to unfold and for Hope to discover the truth so she can grab Phebeth and run. But put our impatience aside to spare a thought for Hope. She missed out on breastfeeding her own child. We were never shown Hope’s post delivery milk issues. Sorry if that’s too much information, but I can’t help noticing that detail has been left out. The other detail that was ignored was the illegality of putting money in a suitcase and exchanging it for a child.

As we move into March, it’s predictable that one way or another, all will be revealed and there will be a traumatic return of Phebeth to Hope. As Steffy and Kelly mourn the loss of the daughter and sister respectively, and Hope rejoices that Beth is alive, Liam will have to look quizical because he won’t know what to feel. On the one hand, he is losing a daughter, Phebeth, but on the other hand he is gaining a daughter, Beth. How will Liam portray that emotion? And in whose house will he hang out? Will he need to console Steffy? Or will he be with Hope, changing nappies? Although not for long, because Beth will soon be in college. Hope has been doing a fairly good job of acting like she’s losing her marbles. She better not get too good or she won’t qualify for the show.

Over to Wipes and Sally, will they get out of bed? Will they wash their sheets? Or will they continue stuffing their faces, and throwing chips at each other in bed? It’s about time they did the deed in the shower. They have been a boring couple. Wipes even had more spark with Katy than with Sally. They profess their love for each other but are more like brother and sister.

Katy has been in the wings, so Orange Lurch might return. They are already married, which means they are due a divorce. Skeletor (Zoe) has been getting the juicy lines, playing detective and having to deal with her criminal father, while others, like Emma have slowly been fading into oblivion. Feisty Rick must have offended the wrong person, because he seems to have been given every soap actor’s kiss of death; being written out. At least he is now spending the rest of his pretend life in Paris.
Brooke also has been in the wings. I wonder if we will be able to notice the scenes where she is suddenly absent then returns from the IAC jungle, looking frazzled. It’s hard to watch her looking tough, when we have seen her looking like a frail, eccentric girlie girl with a small voice.
Anyhow, nothing much happened in February, so let’s hope that things get fired up in March. Bring back Ivy. I would have loved Doc Chris to have been able to get in there. He could have played Rick 2, fresh from Paris.
Au revoir for now.


Daisy’s Bold recap

Thank you, Daisy:
Things have taken a very dark turn at Forresters. After telling Stephie that their babies couldn’t play together, Hope flew to Catalina where her baby was delivered stillborn by a shady Dr Hooks. Now Hope is grieving, but Dr Hooks has mysteriously been forthcoming with a brand new baby girl to sell to Taylor. We were all thinking the very worst, until ta da! Florence appears to tell us that the baby isn’t Hope’s child, stolen from her womb by Dr Hooks afterall, but her baby that she is willing to sell. I’m not sure how Dr Hooks gets $200 000 out of this.
While Hope grieves on her mother’s shoulder, Liam turns up at Stephie’s to find solace in his other daughter; baby Kellie. It’s all become very complicated.

Liam does some unconvincing acting, with what looks like a big mozzie bite on his forehead. Couldn’t make-up have fixed that? Brooke has done a much better job of crying.

Anyhow, where do we go from here? Is Florence reeeeally the mother? Who really had the stillborn Hope, or Florence? Afterall, Dr Hooks did send Flo off from the hospital with an, “It’s not your fault”. Will we see Stephie raising two daughters? Will Hope get suspicious and try stealing ‘Beth’ back? Will Florence come and blackmail Dr Hooks? I am suspicious of the Florence story. Taylor should know this is not a legal adoption. Craig’s list?

After Bill telling Brooke, that he “Got her message loud and clear”, will he stay away? How will Brooke’s absence be explained when she disappears into the IAC jungle? Will she return smelling of fish and scrotum so that neither Bill nor Ridge want her?
Well that’s all from me for now. I hope you enjoy February. And for those of you finding the February heat too much, wishing you cool nights.


I’m a Celeb – will worlds collide?

Here we are going into week three of Celeb and word on the street is the Hollywood A-lister going into the jungle is none other than the star of The Bold and the Beautiful.
Yes, Katherine Kelly Lang AKA Brooke.
I know many of you are fans of the show, so can someone please do a welfare check on Daisy if the rumour turns out to be true, in case she faints from excitement.


Daisy’s Bold and the Beautiful recap – Jan 2019

(Over to Daisy – and thanks!)
New year greetings B&Bers. 2019 starts out in turmoil in B&B land, and everyone has returned from holiday coloured

a shade of orange. I am worried for Taylor, and not because she might go down for shooting Bill, but because she has been inappropriately oversharing with a creepy stranger. For a psychologist, she is not good at seeing the red flags. Flag 1. The man walks in and says, “Nice zip code”. Flag 2. His daughter does a worried double take. Flag 3. The man pumps you for the intimate details of your life. He mentions her “ground-breaking work in nature v nurture” Ha ha, when and where was that? Ancient Greece? She might need that gun again.
Skeletor and Zander have made a fresh beginning, but she might be going into damage control to protect her image from her Gold-digger Dad. Gold-digger is hitting on the wrong woman. Brooke probably has more money, and she and Ridge are on shaky romantic ground. It seems that 2019 might see a revival of Brill. How could you not want to form a union where the merging of your names = Brill.
It must be the San Andréas fault because the gloss has come off Eric and Quinn’s marriage, and they too are on shaky ground, although their demise is being wrought by the conniving Pamela, determined to wreak havoc on Quinn for pouring sour lemon on her wedding party. Will Donna be Mrs Honey Codger number 3 and 6? Or is that 7, or 8? Anyhow, the Codger is never single for long.
Stephie has kept her distance from Liam and Hope’s marital bubble. She has been focussed on her career and her doe-eyed daughter. (Her eyes are huge). If she does meander too close to the loved-up Care Bears, then Brooke is never far with her claws ready, to put Stephie back into her own territory. For sure Brooke hasn’t finished making it her personal mission to put Taylor through the wringer. I can’t say that I am hoping for a Stephie/Liam reunion. We need some fresh blood, and not Papa Skeletor.
Katy and Lurch have plodded along boringly, which might mean that they have already run themselves into a ditch. We’ll know if instead of the purple push-ups, Katy starts walking around the house in her comfy Bonds and a brunch coat.
We haven’t seen Maya or Rick. Perhaps they have gone to China to buy some twins from some desperate rural peasant. It will serve them right when the parents show up in 18 years time to mooch off the Forrester millions….or to get a less fortunate 16 year old sibling a job as a top model or fashion designer.
Speaking of designers, Sally Spectra has fallen into a dangerous abyss of boring sidekick. She might need to steal some more designs.
I am just about to watch episode 2 for 2019. I hope the scripts for 2019 are livelier and even crazier than 2018. Good luck to all the Forresters, Spencers and more importantly, good luck, best wishes and good health to readers. Selamat tinggal bacaan. That’s just me practicing my Indonesian. 🎉🎉🎉🎉


Daisy’s Bold and the Beautiful recap – Dec

Over to our Bold correspondent Daisy (thank you):
I am sitting at my local café writing this. It’s no Il Giordino’s, but at least I don’t have to worry about any Forresters, or Sheila sneaking up to eavesdrop on me, although I’d be ok with Dollar Bill showing up to foot the bill. The menu here’s not fancy but there is no surveillance crew and I won’t get blackmailed…or kidnapped.
November saw a few more Forrester felonies. The brothers who hated each other from birth; Orange Lurch and scruffy, husky Ridge became best buddies so that they could stick it to Bill. They blackmailed a judge into ruling against him in a custody battle, and then threw the typhoon tycoon from a balcony. Now they are hoping that the new, miraculously healed Dollar Bill will let them both off the hook and not call the newly promoted Detective Sanwichez. It’s crisis time in Bill’s office with Judge Ham and the dirty-handed Forresters.
There’s trouble at Eric’s place. Or should I say, Eric and Quinn’s place? Not according to Pam, who thinks it’s still Stephanie’s house. Pam’s willing to work with the devil to destroy Quinn, but she is working with Donna instead. Donna has her cleavage out in every scene to remind Eric that he likes his honey between soft cupcakes. Eric is happy to take a ride down mammary lane with Donna, and doesn’t mind being her Honey Codger, but Quinn is ready to bring out the kitchen knives to burst their bubble.

Outside the immediate Forrester family (if that is even possible), Little Emma has taken a gracious bow-out, and cleared the field for Skeletor to get her hooks into Zander. Zander isn’t likely to fight her off. Emma is going to concentrate on dancing in white macramé, while Zander and Zoe make beautiful music in black macramé.
December will bring the usual boring Christmas episode, with everyone putting their evil deeds aside to sing carols to Honey Codger and his ivories. Babies and small children will be sleeping through the festivities like perfect little angels who won’t know who Santa is until they are 14. At least they are spared Eric’s Christmas serenade. But in the meantime Bill is calling the Forresters out on their “dirty little deeds”, and praising Saint Brooke for her heroism and integrity. It remains to be seen whether or not Quinn and Eric’s marriage will
survive, and if Bill sends the Forrester’s to jail.

In the meantime we listen to Ridge droning on about Bill’s poor parenting. Let’s hope Ridge and Judge Ham do a little time in the slammer.
I will leave you there, with Pam and Donna apologizing to each other, and vowing to be best friends forever. Santa Baby, please bring us a Bold & Beautiful December filled with revenge, romance and reaping what you sow.
Merry Christmas. 🌲Ho ho ho.


Daisy’s Bold chat – Nov

Over to Daisy for another Bold and the Beautiful wrapup – thank you!
You really have to feel sorry for the folks at B&B. All that money and power, but they just can’t hold it together. They keep their children in the attic, or the basement, and maybe throw crumbs to them. They can’t stay married for more than a couple of months, and live in great mansions, but have no cleaners or servants. No one ever has a birthday, or gets to celebrate Easter. No Easter Bunny or birthday parties for any of them.
But on the bright side, they seem to be able to teleport from home to the office, or to each other’s places. Their teeth are perfectly white but no one goes to the dentist. They run companies without doing any work. Their kids age faster than a dog, but adults stay the same age. And they can commit crimes, including murder, without going to jail.
For the month of November, I think we will see Ridge and Brooke fall apart, and perhaps into the arms of other lovers. Hope might go into labour because she has already been pregnant for about 2 months. Zoe might continue her meteoric rise to top model status, while poor Emma goes crazy with jealousy. Liam will undoubtedly remain in love with two women and will sooner or later tip the balance back to Stephie. And Kellie should be walking soon, but don’t expect to see her until she can come out and say a few wooden lines.

Katy thinks everything has fallen into place

Lurch and Katy just got married so they might break up soon. Katy has gone from man to man and is running out of options if she breaks with Orange Lurch. Bill will continue to shower Will with gifts and money, and teach him high finance, to prove his fatherly devotion. Liam and Wipes might end up working for Will.
As for the rest of the cast, they might continue to remain in suspended animation, or perhaps we will see some of them emerge to say a few lines, or have some drama unfold.
Will Bill find out he was played by Ridge? Will Ridge and the bent judge go to prison? Will Orange Lurch return to keep any of his promises to Will? Will Wipes fall for Stephie in the underwear department?
Bill teaches Will about Brazillians.

The good news has been, we haven’t seen Grams or Charlie for some time. And Sheila is keeping her head down at Il Giodino’s. Let’s hope we have a good November. Cheers B&B viewers from Daisy.
