Christmas chat

Merry Christmas to all you TTV readers. Thanks for another year of online snark, fun and news of baking successes.
And for those of you who are having a not-so-merry Christmas this year, for whatever reason: We made it through the year! Let’s raise a glass and cheers to brighter days ahead.
Before you know it we’ll be whingeing about the casting on MKR and the plethora of panna cottas.
Oh and for the Doctor Who fans among you, remember no Boxing Day episode this year – boo! It screens in the UK on New Year’s Day, so I guess it’s January 2 for us.


Christmas chat

Merry Christmas/Festivus everyone!
I hope you all manage to catch the Doctor Who Christmas special – the last episode with Peter Capaldi.
Thanks for your company this year and, hopefully, I’ll be able to get back into some recapping when our love-to-hate fave MKR starts again.
MKR starts Jan 29. No official word on I’m a Celeb but they usually start the day before.
Here are some Celeb teasers for you to ponder over.


Christmassy chat

Merry almost Christmas/Festivus to everyone. Hope you are all managing to stay cool as most of Australia swelters.
I am now hooked on The Crown, having watched three eps in a row last night (it’s on Netflix). Jared Harris (Lane Pryce from Mad Men) is amazing as Elizabeth’s father. It’s still a bit weird to see Matt Smith (Doctor Who) as the Duke of Edinburgh, though.
Anyone been watching Christmas movies? Mr Juz tried to get me to watch Love Actually yet again the other night but I declined. I’m hoping they repeat Die Hard.
