General chat – Friday, July 15

Well, there’s not been much happening on the reality TV front lately, apart from MasterChef. Have you all been huddled indoors like me, trying to ward off the Antarctic weather hitting Australia at the moment?
What else are you watching? I had a mini Mindy Project marathon the other day and watched a bit of Have You Been Paying Attention? for a laugh. And I’ve just started getting into Restaurant Impossible, which is a bit like that Gordon Ramsay Kitchen Nightmares show except the chef is not a tool, no one says the F word and the people are usually misguided rather than being lunatics.


General chat – May 16

What else is everyone watching? It was freezing and drizzly here today, so I had a The 100 marathon.
It started as an angsty teen show that irked me with bad acting, but it has really grown on me, but then I’m a sucker for a dystopian future. Plus it has Desmond from Lost in it, so, you know … Desmond rules. There’s also Lt Gaeta from Battlestar Galactica and Preston Burke from Grey’s Anatomy (yeah, the one who got fired for allegedly being homophobic and now he’s on a show that features numerous gay relationships).

Like Game of Thrones they’re not afraid to kill off major characters and there’s a bunch of Aussies in the cast.
We let our four-year-old watch some of ET last night (skipping the scariest scenes) and he loved it. Some of the effects look clunky but it’s still watchable.


Weekend chat

Happy Friday night, everyone! What are you up to this weekend? Mr Juz wants us to watch the first episode of the new show Containment. containmentlogoHere’s the blurb: The series follows an epidemic that breaks out in Atlanta, leaving the large city quarantined and those stuck on the inside fighting for their lives. The drama tells the story of loved ones torn apart, and how the society that grows inside the cordon reveals both the devolution of humanity and the birth of unlikely heroes.
I still have to catch up on last night’s MKR and am behind on Better Call Saul and Project Runway All Stars. Mr Juz has been doing his umpteenth West Wing rewatch and has gone from episode one to the final season in about a month.
Jimmy Smits is almost the president, so, boo hoo, no more President Martin Sheen.
What are you watching this weekend?
