The Badgerlor – Sept 12 & 13

This week, on The Bachelor Australia …
On Wed: Nick invites one lucky bachelorette for her second single date, which ruffles some feathers. Later on a group date, the ladies participate in a lie detector test.

On Thurs: Four of the ladies channel their inner rev-head with a group date at Eastern Creek Speedway. Later on in a single date, the chosen bachelorette struggles through an intimate chat with Nick.

So, who will emerge as the designated villain now the Catty trio is gone? I’m looking forward to commentary from someone faces.
Tonight we get to hear “Brooke’s big secret”. According to the gossip mags it’s that she’s bisexual – and if it was in a gossip mag it must be true.
Meanwhile, I goggled why she has a big scar on her collarbone, and discovered she broke it playing footy and had to have a major surgery.


Bachelor airdate announced for the Badgerlor

Bachie Honey Badger will make his debut on Ten on Wednesday, August 15.
So Survivor gets a two-week head start to build an audience.
Rumour had it that Bachie would take over the Sunday/Monday slot but it seems that’s not the case.


The Bachelor Australia – Wed, Sep 13

We’re soooo close to the end. Who will Matty choose? Tonight, three become two. Who will he ditch? Elise? Tara? Laura?
