Are you having trouble registering?

If you are not sure how to register, read the below. If you want to see a step-by-step guide with pictures, click the tab at the top of the page called How To Register.

The first time you try to use this site you will be prompted by WordPress to create a username and provide an email. WordPress then sends you an email to check you are a human being, and so you can set up a password. If you haven’t received that email, try your spam/junk folder. Once you set up a password you can post your first comment. It may not appear straight away as I have to manually approve you for your first comment, but after that is all out of the way you shouldn’t have to fuss with any more emails or passwords. Sorry for the initial palaver but it keeps spammers away. If you are having any technical issues please send an email to the address listed under the Contact section and I will get my trusty IT Sidekick on it ASAP.

PLUS if you are having trouble with creating an avatar through Gravatar, give it 10 minutes, then refresh. It takes a while.


Admin Juz
