Survivor Winners at War

Guessing we will start with the Rob and Amber reunion.
Who is looking good in the post-swap trio of tribes? Will Soph and Sarah try to team up with Ben or Adam? I’m thinking Adam.

Yul is in a good spot and even Wendell knows Parv is a bigger threat than ex-girlfriend Michelle – oops, I mean person he “kicked it” with.


Survivor Winners at War ep 5: tribe swap

What a welcome relief WaW has been for the US franchise, after the shock and angst of last season.

It’s a tribe swap episode and we get to see who was swap screwed. The promo had Michele bemoaning the fact her ex is on the tribe so I googled …. it’s Wendell!!! Awkward. I just want Yul and Tony to be safe, so we get to hear Yul’s thoughtful confessionals and see Tony struggling to dial his personality down a notch. And then someone like Sophie takes the whole thing out.


Survivor All Stars – Mon

Poor Hazzy Pie is gone so Brooke or AK must be next. And Brooke is an endurance challenge beast (and AK has posted on social media that he had health problems during the series) so she could be safe.

This week, someone gets some terrible news from home and has to leave (so, no, it’s nothing to do with GG’s terrible cough).

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