Chris & Julia’s Sunday Night Takeaway

Ten launched its new show on Sunday, choosing to continue the pairing of I’m a Celeb hosts Julia Morris and Dr Chris Brown.

It’s over to Daisy for her thoughts on the premiere (thanks, Daisy):

I only watched about half an hour of Sunday Night Take-away, so my opinion might be worth peanuts, but I thought I would give it a thread just to give others a chance to comment.
Before the show even began, I noticed that on FB, under the show’s own posts, 90% of Australians seemed to be crying out, “Not Julia Morris! 😭”. About 80% were crying out, “Stop ruining yourself, Dr Chris!”. They weren’t even trolls. Just normal Australians saying that Julia is a shocker, and together they make a dismal team. The “yays”, were minimal. On the shows on post!
But I thought, why not have a peek at what probably might be another Julia Morris train wreck, and so I recorded 30 minutes, until I realized it was up against mafs and Would I lie and a couple of goodies.
So here is my take. Thankfully, Julia had reined in some of her physical antics and sexual inuendo (I’m not against sexual inuendo if it’s funny), and mostly run with the eye-crossing and strange mouthing. Part of the problem is that those things aren’t funny to most of us. The other problem is her history of rat-nursing, floor-rolling and kangaroo hopping is still too fresh in our memories. Chris’s problem is the professional crime of being Julia’s unfunny side-kick. Please channel 10, stop letting these two embarrass themselves, and give them some straight roles.
The show itself had me confused. I wasn’t sure if I have been so accustomed to bad rtv, that I will watch anything, or if my feeling that I was watching a type of telethon (WA’s annual tv fundraiser comprised of professional and amateur acts and hoc production) was accurate.
I saw people from the audience surprised by Chris chatting with them, and divulging a little tidbit of personal information; some guy waxed his legs, and a girl used her boyfriend’s credit card and spent $500 on a dreadful Bali-do and some eye-lashes. There was Justin who surprised his girlfriend…but not us….with an on air marriage proposal. It was obvious where that was going, but well done Justin. The girl looked stunned. Hard to say no. They had big screen filming of random families ready to join in some game, which turned out to be singing lines to a song. I can’t recall the band or song, but Dave will know. Oh and there was a white couch on a beach somewhere that a “lucky viewer” could win $2 000 by finding and sitting on it. I got no further than that. Add to all that, some cross promotion with other channel 10 shows. No wait; I forgot the Little Julia and Little Chris segment, where six year olds dressed up and replaced the shows hosts for 10 minutes. Hmm …that one writes itself. 🤔
My overall assessment; not for prime TV, but if you woke up at at 3.00 in the morning and couldn’t get back to sleep, it would look good next to a channel selling exercise equipment. Australians are being so dumbed down by the main commercial stations, that they might swallow this show as good entertainment, but it’s the MacDonald’s of TV IMO.
Comments anyone?


I’m a Celebrity general chat

It starts this Sunday at 6.30pm, so get ready to discuss here.

Is Rhonda Burchmore one of the celebs? She’s been in the New York blizzard for the past few days, according to social media.

Is Warnie going in? He keeps denying it but the reports are coming thick and fast. Plus he could do with the cash for his charity. Hopefully on Sunday night we can say “yeah, yeah” – he’s in.

Thinking of growing my hair long again like this ? Thoughts ? #advancedhair.

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